DIY Tips for Packing
Reality has set in – the move date is set and looking around you wonder how all of this stuff is going into moving truck and to new home in a relatively short period of time. Whether downsizing, moving across town, or across the country the first step is to

The Importance of Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service When Moving
The Moving Process is both stressful and back breaking but the final lap is after the boxes and furniture are loaded is getting the house spic and span for either the new owners or preparing it for the sales process. Hiring a professional to clean is beneficial for many reasons.

Moving? Helpful Things To Consider
MOVING: The average person will move 11.7 times in their lifetime according to the United States Census Bureau. I am not really sure how you move .7 times but who am I to argue with the Census Bureau! Children and adults will learn life skills in both adapting and even

Top 7 Mistakes in Moving and How to Avoid
Once you have gotten the word you are moving or honestly if you even suspect it is likely review the Mistakes below to avoid repeating them.

Closets, Closets, Closets
Now that you physically moved those endless amounts of boxes into your new home, it is time for the scary part: opening and sorting. One tip that’s very important to remember is you don’t need to put too much stress on how you decide to decorate a space; furniture and